how the skin of a whale feels, but it was nothing in comparison to our experience on the very last
whale-watching trip on the last day. When we found out that the plane would arrive a little late,
Maldo, the owner of the camp, decided to offer one more whale-watching outing in the morning.
The wind was quite strong but anyway everyone wanted to see the whales one more time. So
Paco, our boat driver, took us into the area and we were cruising and waiting for something to
happen. And finally there it was. A young whale, maybe 1 or 2 years old came to our boat definitely
interested in us. And then something unexpected happened: the whale breached just in front of our
boat. It was not more than 10 meters away. That was amazing! Everyone was soooo excited. And
then the whale breached again! And again, and again, and again… 9 times in a row!!! We got crazy
from joy. The show was only for us and it seemed like the whale had a lot of fun doing it. After the
show it came to our boat to play for awhile going under, looking at us, blowing into our faces. That
was great but then the whale decided to breach again two times and disappeared in the depths of
the sea. We were” blown away” with the show. Our time was over so we started the engine and
headed towards the camp, but we thought that it would have been nice to say “bye” to our friend.
At that moment our whale breached again close to the boat, as if saying “good bye” to everyone.
It was just incredible! We didn’t know if it was a female or male, but we thought that it must have
been a boy because he was so funny, joyful and playful. Maybe we should call him “Funny Boy”?
Patrycja O’Brien – whalewatching guide
Foto: Reid Walker, Guest
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