Beneath the Surface
By: Maria Teresa Solomons
People arrive here for an obvious
purpose. Although they will insist they came purely with the hope of touching a
whale another deeper desire begins to surface almost immediately. I don’t
have enough fingers on both hands to count the shared conversations, even
before that hoped for cetacean contact, that express a self-reflection, a
meditation, an Indian or Buddhist philosophy or a profound life story that is a
miracle of serendipitous events; all personal visions to quietly want to change
the world. I doubt that the Law of Attraction would have figured high on the
list of essential reading for the likes of the NASA scientist or astrophysicist
who were here, although for the artists and musicians perhaps, but not at
all for that black gold pipeline engineer, looking to retire as a conservation
volunteer as a way to repair the contradiction of his lifetime. However, we are
all forgiven for talking about the 50 shades of Gray we
encounter on every journey…..
The lagoon is a quite place most
of the time where there are minimal external distractions except for the wind.
Initially for the city arrivals the aloneness of the salt flats might
feel disconcerting because for the duration of the 4-day trip, they become a
mere blip on their electronic connections, (even if Verizon sold them a roaming
package for all occasions). There is something totally different about this
environment. All systems are down, except for the natural ones. The catalyst is
waiting to happen!
Last week, amongst others,
the Orca network group, headed by ´Howwie´ Balcomb and his partner Susan have
descended. If you didn’t know them better you might call them the ´tree huggers´
of the whale world but they are people completely involved with a passion for a
cause that isn’t just about Orcas. They have all come here with a sublime
expectation to draw from an effect, a memory, even enlightenment from this
natural resource; contact with the Gray Whale in the lagoon they inhabit for
the few sacred weeks that they are here. Actually whether they know it yet or
not, this is the beginning of their new life, a second wind, an opportunity to
reconfigure and log on again. Imagine how must it be to find yourself suddenly
exposed to the silence of a significantly reduced external environmental with
the major exception of the sound of the rhythm and depth of something powerful
breathing in the open space around? No-one guarantees that something will
happen but something always does.
Have you ever had to adopt a
particular orientation toward an experience? Have you ever come across the
notion of stilling the mind? The words, ´Nature has a right to exist, persist,
regenerate and evolve.´ come to my mind. (part of a statement in the Ecuadorian
constitution drawn up in the late 1990´s because of a massive popular revolt
against the decimation of their natural life source, the mangroves). We allow
social dysfunction to dominate our lives most of the time and continue to live
in conflict with ourselves as a result. Oscar Wilde phrased it perfectly. “We
know the price of everything but the value of nothing.”
The thought of exploring our own internal worlds, other than the
world beneath the surface of the waves and its stream of graceful giants slowly
moving in a shallow haze of algae green, probably wasn’t originally on
the cards, but the intensity of a glance from a baby Gray hypnotizes everyone.
What I sense in the individuals
who arrive here is an unspoken desire for a bigger hope for themselves and
something powerfully different for this world.
So, for those who’ve been touched, after
it all, what do you think?
Did you come and call the whales
or did you come because the whales had already called for you?